
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go - T.S. Eliot

Monday, November 1, 2010


Its a long walk from the Batura Hotel to wherever we were headed, with the intention of hitching a ride. Okay. We were headed to Sost next, the last town in Pakistan before we enter China. BUT. Ya there is a but, we didnt know how long we were going to walk or we were even making any progress. The road just looks a vast of nothingness if such a word even exists and there weren't a single vehicle in sight.

It was a good 30minutes walk before a Chinese truck with a chinese driver saved the day! But the truck only travelled half the distance to Sost and we had to get off and wait at the construction site where the chinese worked. Waited for like a good 2hours i think and the chinese workers even took pity on us and offered their lunch. What a day. Finally, Allah took pity on us as well and responded and a van that was already full came by. Oh well. Whatever. we took the ride on the top of the van which was pretty cool as well with the mind blowing scenery along the way. 

Another broken road. Had to continue the next part of the journey by foot for more than 1hour.


Stopping to check for trouts in the river. Nah. kidding. Just totally TIRED

the 66868th bridge that has collasped

Sost town

Sost town, is made up mainly of a cluster of guesthouses and shops to cater to the needs of people leaving (for China) and coming into Pakistan.

Met some Chinese workers and they were really surprised to see us. Got into a bit of small talk and sort of lied about how we were looking for some chinese food (really, we had given up trying about 100 towns ago) and how we have not eaten for the entire day because we couldn't find none. The Chinese immediately offered to bring us into their living quarters but the Pakistani guard refused. So what they did was went in to take some foodstuff out for us. Totally cool.

Stay tuned. China = food here i come!